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course of treatments

Why a course of treatments is your clients’ best option

We’ve asked our senior trainer, Sarah Beeston, for her advice booking courses. Sarah’s top tip is to really take the time to educate and explain to your clients the benefits of booking a course of treatments rather than simply offering a discount. This is crucial to secure course bookings.

“The key is getting clients to see their skin as an investment.”

As therapists, we can be too quick to undervalue our own experience and the quality of the treatment. A really thorough consultation giving the clients an understanding of how the treatment works is essential. Also, explaining why they would require a course. Clients do expect miracles in one treatment but if we take the time to explain how the course of treatments work we can manage their expectations.


If clients just want a freshen up 1 MD per month would be absolutely fine. The treatment will work to slough off the top layers of dead skin cells which give the skin a dull appearance. However, if clients are wanting to work on specific areas of concern, they need to commit to a course. To achieve the results they are looking for we need to explain the treatment course process. Microdermabrasion is a progressive rather than aggressive treatment, gently and safely removing the epidermal layers without causing discomfort to the client. Ideally clients should book a session once every 7 to 10 days. The stratum corneum layer that was removed in the previous treatment has then not had chance to rebuild. This means the therapist can work a little deeper down the layer each treatment to soften the concerns the client has.


It would be impossible to get the degree of permanent hair reduction that clients are looking for in one IPL session alone! Clients have to commit to a course of treatments (6-10 and sometimes more). One treatment alone would be a waste of money for the client. The Therapist should take the time to explain to the client how the treatment works. IPL targets the hair at the anagen stage of growth and will only be effective if you catch the hair at that stage. Only about 30% of hairs are in that phase at any one time. By catching the hair at that stage we can destroy the dermal papilla preventing new hair growth.


Although clients will notice an immediate tightening/freshness to the skin after one treatment, collagen stimulation would be limited. Multiple treatments are required for CL as when we perform CL treatments we are inducing heat into the Dermal layers of the skin and heating to 40.C. In doing this, we are causing a controlled injury and kick starting a wound healing process. Collagen coagulation results in immediate skin shrinkage and Neo-Collagenesis and Neo-elastinogenesis are induced with new collagen gradually replacing the old.

Great advice there from Sarah. Taking the time to explain how it works and how the client’s individual skin concerns will be improved will all help to secure that course booking. And of course, don’t forget to ask your client to rebook!

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