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get in touch

Client hasn’t returned? Get in touch!

We have seen some discussions about the topic of contacting clients who haven’t returned after the first lockdown in the various therapist groups on Facebook and we see people saying if they’ve not been back since lockdown they would just leave it, well we wouldn’t! Here are a few ideas to keep in touch with those clients you haven’t seen back at the salon yet.

Check-in on your clients

Let’s say, for example, that your client is still shielding or choosing to stay away from the salon because they consider themselves high risk, if they were a loyal, longstanding client then we think it is only courteous to get in touch with that client, even if it is simply for a check-in to see how they are and let them know you have been thinking of them. They might not want to come back still, and that’s fine! But, as a valued client it is nice to feel appreciated and we are sure when they are ready to get back to the salon, they will remember the kindness extended to them while they chose not to.

Give them some tips to look after their skin at home

Reach out to offer some advice for looking after their skin at home. Recommend some products that will help keep your client’s skin in great condition, we recommend SkinBase of course 😉  but if you have other products or packages, Christmas packages that you can offer these are great too. Send out a newsletter with tips and advice for looking after skin in the current season. You are welcome to use any of the content from our blog if it helps to do this.

Send a Card

‘We Miss You!’ Let your client know their absence has been noticed. Send a card, write a quick note to say ‘we miss you and we hope you are doing okay’. If they were a high value clients we would include a money off voucher to entice them back too.

Find out Why?

If a regular client has not returned and you feel comfortable to do so, ask them why they haven’t returned. It’s always useful to know this kind of information and if there is an issue it can be rectified.

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